We believe the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God. Authored by God and written by men in 66 books of the Old and New Testaments. It is our highest authority of faith and life. Its purpose is to reveal who God is and what He has done for us through Jesus Christ.
We believe there is one God eternally existing in 3 Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each are equally God, but distinct from each other. God is Creator, Sustainer, Supreme, and altogether set apart unto Himself in Holiness. His character is both Great and Good.
We believe Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. He is fully God, fully man, was fully dead, and is fully alive. God was born into human history as the person of Jesus to die in our place as human and for our sins as God. He rose from the dead and now serves as our High Priest to the Father and our Advocate in righteousness.
We believe the Holy Spirit is given to every genuine believer at the time of salvation by God the Father and Jesus, indwelling them as a deposit guaranteeing their inheritance and a seal of their salvation. The Holy Spirit aids the believer by comforting, guiding, reminding, illuminating, convicting, empowering, interceding, and assuring, resulting in the believer producing observable fruit.
We believe the Holy Spirit gives gifts to believers enabling and empowering them for service. Spiritual gifts are given for the common good, unity, care, and edification of the Body of Christ. Any gift is evaluated based on how it fulfills this purpose.
We believe the local church is a community of regenerated believers who confess Jesus Christ as Lord. In obedience to Scripture, they organize under qualified leadership, gather regularly for preaching and worship, observe the Biblical ordinances of believers baptism by immersion in water and communion, are unified by the Spirit; they discipline for holiness, and scatter to fulfill the great commandment and the great commission as missionaries to the world for God's glory and their joy.
We believe in the beginning God created man and woman in His image, sinless and pure enjoying perfect fellowship with each other and God. Through temptation by Satan and their own choice they sinned, thus breaking their fellowship with God and each other, incurring both physical and spiritual death, and passing down a nature and environment of sinfulness to all their descendants. In this fallen sinful state humans are hopelessly separated from God. By nature and behavior we stand condemned before God and are objects of God’s Holy wrath against sin.
We believe sin is any thought, attitude, action, inaction, or reaction that is contrary to God’s character. This includes God’s explicit commands and His implicit principles or design. This "missing the mark" of God’s glorious standard incurs the punishment of death in all forms.
We believe God chose to rescue us out of our fallen sinful state and from the penalty of sin—not because of what we have done, but by his mercy and grace—by paying the penalty of sin for us. Jesus Christ satisfied the wrath of God against sin, by dying in our place for our sins on the cross. It is through faith in what Jesus has accomplished that we can be saved from the penalty of sin, given a righteous standing before God, and brought into a new life with Christ.
We believe in the actual, personal, imminent return of Christ to gather his church, judge the wicked, defeat Satan, restore the world, and reign as King. Believers will reside with Christ forever while those who do not believe will suffer the punishment for their own sins in hell forever.
We believe the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God. Authored by God and written by men in 66 books of the Old and New Testaments. It is our highest authority of faith and life. Its purpose is to reveal who God is and what He has done for us through Jesus Christ.
We believe there is one God eternally existing in 3 Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each are equally God, but distinct from each other. God is Creator, Sustainer, Supreme, and altogether set apart unto Himself in Holiness. His character is both Great and Good.
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Write a description for this tab and include information that will interest site visitors. For example if you are using tabs to show different services write about what makes this service unique. If you are using tabs to display restaurant items write about what makes a specific dish particularly worthwhile or delicious.
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Write a description for this tab and include information that will interest site visitors. For example if you are using tabs to show different services write about what makes this service unique. If you are using tabs to display restaurant items write about what makes a specific dish particularly worthwhile or delicious.
Description Title
Write a description for this tab and include information that will interest site visitors. For example if you are using tabs to show different services write about what makes this service unique. If you are using tabs to display restaurant items write about what makes a specific dish particularly worthwhile or delicious.
Description Title
Write a description for this tab and include information that will interest site visitors. For example if you are using tabs to show different services write about what makes this service unique. If you are using tabs to display restaurant items write about what makes a specific dish particularly worthwhile or delicious.
Description Title
Write a description for this tab and include information that will interest site visitors. For example if you are using tabs to show different services write about what makes this service unique. If you are using tabs to display restaurant items write about what makes a specific dish particularly worthwhile or delicious.
Description Title
Write a description for this tab and include information that will interest site visitors. For example if you are using tabs to show different services write about what makes this service unique. If you are using tabs to display restaurant items write about what makes a specific dish particularly worthwhile or delicious.
Description Title
Write a description for this tab and include information that will interest site visitors. For example if you are using tabs to show different services write about what makes this service unique. If you are using tabs to display restaurant items write about what makes a specific dish particularly worthwhile or delicious.
We believe the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God. Authored by God and written by men in 66 books of the Old and New Testaments. It is our highest authority of faith and life. Its purpose is to reveal who God is and what He has done for us through Jesus Christ.
We believe there is one God eternally existing in 3 Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each are equally God, but distinct from each other. God is Creator, Sustainer, Supreme, and altogether set apart unto Himself in Holiness. His character is both Great and Good.
We believe Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. He is fully God, fully man, was fully dead, and is fully alive. God was born into human history as the person of Jesus to die in our place as human and for our sins as God. He rose from the dead and now serves as our High Priest to the Father and our Advocate in righteousness.
We believe the Holy Spirit is given to every genuine believer at the time of salvation by God the Father and Jesus, indwelling them as a deposit guaranteeing their inheritance and a seal of their salvation. The Holy Spirit aids the believer by comforting, guiding, reminding, illuminating, convicting, empowering, interceding, and assuring, resulting in the believer producing observable fruit.
We believe the Holy Spirit gives gifts to believers enabling and empowering them for service. Spiritual gifts are given for the common good, unity, care, and edification of the Body of Christ. Any gift is evaluated based on how it fulfills this purpose.
We believe the local church is a community of regenerated believers who confess Jesus Christ as Lord. In obedience to Scripture, they organize under qualified leadership, gather regularly for preaching and worship, observe the Biblical ordinances of believers baptism by immersion in water and communion, are unified by the Spirit; they discipline for holiness, and scatter to fulfill the great commandment and the great commission as missionaries to the world for God's glory and their joy.
We believe in the beginning God created man and woman in His image, sinless and pure enjoying perfect fellowship with each other and God. Through temptation by Satan and their own choice they sinned, thus breaking their fellowship with God and each other, incurring both physical and spiritual death, and passing down a nature and environment of sinfulness to all their descendants. In this fallen sinful state humans are hopelessly separated from God. By nature and behavior we stand condemned before God and are objects of God’s Holy wrath against sin.
We believe sin is any thought, attitude, action, inaction, or reaction that is contrary to God’s character. This includes God’s explicit commands and His implicit principles or design. This "missing the mark" of God’s glorious standard incurs the punishment of death in all forms.
We believe God chose to rescue us out of our fallen sinful state and from the penalty of sin—not because of what we have done, but by his mercy and grace—by paying the penalty of sin for us. Jesus Christ satisfied the wrath of God against sin, by dying in our place for our sins on the cross. It is through faith in what Jesus has accomplished that we can be saved from the penalty of sin, given a righteous standing before God, and brought into a new life with Christ.
We believe in the actual, personal, imminent return of Christ to gather his church, judge the wicked, defeat Satan, restore the world, and reign as King. Believers will reside with Christ forever while those who do not believe will suffer the punishment for their own sins in hell forever.